Privacy Policy

We do not collect any information about individual visitors. We only have the ability to retrieve the counts of visitors by search engine and keyword, but we have no way to determine who or where the visitors are, nor do we have any interest in ever gathering such information.

This web site does NOT write any cookies to your computer. This site does not record or track visitors in any way, neither by means of cookies nor by any other method, because the owners of this site believe that it is morally wrong to do so.

Owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Service LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for site to earn advertising and linking to Amazon website.

Many of our pages have links to or other stores. If you use our links to go to those shopping sites, those other sites write cookies, because it is necessary for maintaining individual shopping carts and check-out. To read the product reviews and other articles on our site, you will never have to set your web browser to accept cookies. However, if you intend to click on any of the shopping links that you find at our site, before doing so, please set your browser to accept cookies.

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